Questions to be covered include:
- How have the hacks on the Mifare transit cards impacted new projects?
- How have existing systems been protected?
- What is status of Mifare Plus?
- How have other systems been broken?
Karsten bridges the three worlds of academic research, hacking, and industry. His academic research with the University of Virginia focuses on privacy protection in large networks. His hacking projects-- at H4RDW4RE in the Silicon Valley or with the CCC in Berlin--assess (and usually break) proprietary cryptography. Finally, his consulting job at McKinsey helps him understand why corporations often choose technically inferior solutions.
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RFID Security Alliance meetings are usually scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month at 10 AM PST / 1PM EST. More info about the RFID Security Alliance is at or via the LinkedIn Group at
Contributed by Joanne C. Kelleher
RFIDSA Marketing Committee